Monday, May 28, 2007

Young lad


Molly Grisham said...

P Didi & A Didi -

Surely I don't have to say this but please know I'll do whatever you need for this when you get back. I know you'll have more stuff then we could manage over a long weekend on my laptop in Philly (what were we thinking last time?!?) but of course if you wanted to take a road trip to Nashville my gear is all yours, as is my couch and floor and kitchen and maybe a few bottles of Georgian wine . . . let me know what you need. Right now I am in the middle of a great project on relief work in Sudan, back to editing . . .


Molly Grisham said...

This was from one of your first posts:

"If Palestinians had black skin the world would be up in arms about their plight. But they’re not black. They're Arab."

Unfortunatly & sadly I disagree. The world just doesn't care who it is. Case & point, Sudan, Darfur, Janjaweed vs African tribal people, 400,000 dead, 2.5 million displaced . . . it is time to awake our slumbering souls that peacefully rest in own coffins of comfort.


"Blinding light assaults the darkness; children wait for guns to cease. In the midst of war’s confusion, make us instruments of peace. Hungry for your visitation, we are waiting, lost, afraid. You alone, O God, can save us. Heal the wounds that we have made.” McMullan

asprockitrockit said...

I second my Yallah Back Girl's motion... "Apathy is our greatest enemy" (ROG refugee).
This shot is strickingly similar to another Adam took in Northern Ireland last summer. Remember?
These young boys for me are the real victims of violence and hate crimes in our world. Both boys are caught in the midst of unresolved conflict that is greater than themselves and will certainly continue to impact their futures...and their faces express so much...

niniko said...

Imaging people's death is frustrating, but seeing it with your own eyes, especilly when it's not natural one... oh, this must be really imposible to carry. You are heroes indeed! And these children moreover!!!
Let God protect all of you.
Georgia prays for you.